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Location Access for Business Members
Location Access for Business Members

Grant your business members permissions to access either specific locations or all locations in your company.

Javier avatar
Written by Javier
Updated over a month ago

This feature lets you:

  • Assign members to specific locations as “location-assigned” members

  • Grant access to all locations by designating them as “company-wide” members

With Location Access, you can better manage and streamline what your business members see and do based on their roles and responsibilities.

What’s the difference between location-assigned and company-wide members?

  • Location-assigned” members are limited to the locations they are assigned. They can only view information and perform actions (based on their role) specific to their designated locations.

  • Company-wide members have access to all company locations. They can view information and take actions (based on their role) across the entire organization.

For a detailed list of permissions by role, check out our FAQs below.

How do I view a user’s location access and assigned locations?

Check location access for all members in the “Members” tab of your business portal.

  1. Open your business portal.

  2. Go to “Account Settings” in the left-hand menu.

  3. Click on the “Members” tab.

In this tab, you’ll find a list of all your:

  • Active members

  • Invited members

  • Additional contacts

Here’s how location access is displayed:

  • For active and invited members, a new column shows:

    • Company-Wide” if the member has access to all locations.

    • The number of assigned locations if the member is location-assigned.

  • For contacts, all are company-wide by default.

Note: Both location-assigned and company-wide members can view all members across all locations in the “Members” tab.

How do I view users assigned to a location?

Easily check assigned members in the “Locations” tab of your business portal.

  1. Open your business portal

  2. Navigate to “Account Settings” from the left-hand menu

  3. Select the “Locations” tab

Here, you’ll see a list of all your assigned locations (company-wide members see all company locations):

  • For each location card, check the “ASSIGNED MEMBERS” section to view members assigned to that specific location.

How do I assign location access and locations when I invite new members?

You’ll go through your normal invite member flow but will fill out two new fields: “Location Access” and “Assigned Location(s)”. Detailed steps below.

Check your permissions

  • Only Admins can manage members across the company.

  • Company-wide admins can invite both new company wide members and location-assigned members

  • Location-assigned admins can only invite members to their assigned locations.

Steps to invite a new member

  1. Navigate to your “Members” tab in your business portal

    1. Open your business portal.

    2. Go to “Account Settings” in the left-hand menu.

    3. Click the “Members” tab.

  2. Click “Invite Member” and fill out the required details

    1. Enter the member’s email address and assign their role.

    2. Assign their Location Access and Assigned Location(s) as follows:

Invite a Company-Wide Member (access to all locations)

  1. Select “Company-Wide” in the “Location Access” dropdown.

  2. Click “Send Invitation”—the member will have access to all locations.

Invite a Location-Assigned Member (access to specific locations)

  1. Select “Only Specified Locations” in the “Location Access” dropdown.

  2. Choose the locations to assign using the “Assign Location(s)” dropdown.

  3. Click “Send Invitation”—the member will only have access to the selected locations.

How do I assign location access and locations for existing members?

Easily update the location access and assigned locations for existing members through the “Members” tab.

Check your permissions

  • Only Admins can manage members across the company

  • Company-wide Admins can edit the role, location access, and assigned locations for all members

  • Location-assigned Admins can only assign or unassign locations they have access to and can update a member’s role in limited cases

Steps to edit location access and assigned locations

  1. Navigate to the “Members” tab in your business portal

    1. Open your business portal.

    2. Go to “Account Settings” in the left-hand menu.

    3. Click the “Members” tab.

  2. Edit the member’s details

    1. Locate the member you wish to update.

    2. Click the “...” button next to their name and select “Edit Member.”

    3. Make your updates & save

For Company-Wide Admins:

  • You can edit the role, location access, and assigned locations for any member across all locations

For Location-Assigned Admins:

  • You can only update a member’s assigned locations for locations you have access to

  • You cannot change the member's location access

  • You can update the member’s role only if they are assigned to a subset of your locations

Replace supervisors who have future shifts at removed locations

  • If you remove a member from a location where they are listed as the onsite contact for future shifts, you will need to assign a replacement supervisor.

Save your changes!

  • The member is saved with your updates!

How do I assign multiple members to a location at once?

Quickly manage assigned members for a location in the “Locations” tab.

Check your permissions

  • You must have permissions to manage locations & assign any members

  • Company-wide members can view and edit all locations.

  • Location-assigned members can only view and edit their assigned locations.

Steps to assign members to a location

  1. Navigate to the “Locations” tab in your business portal

    1. Open your business portal.

    2. Go to “Account Settings” in the left-hand menu.

    3. Click the “Locations” tab.

  2. Create or edit a location

    1. Click “Create New Location” to set up a new location.

    2. Or, find an existing location and click the “...” button, then select “Edit location”

Add or remove members in the “Assigned Members” section

  • Scroll down to the “Assign Members” section.

  • Use the dropdown menu to add or remove location-assigned members for that location.

Replace removed supervisors who have future shifts at the location

  • If you unassign a member who is listed as the onsite contact for future shifts at the location, you’ll need to assign a replacement supervisor.

Save your changes!

  • The location is saved with the new assigned members!


How does Location Access change core actions in the business portal?

Location Access customizes the actions available to users based on their assigned locations. Here's how core actions are affected:

  • Booking shifts (choosing locations for shifts):

    • Location-assigned users can only select from their assigned locations

  • Booking shifts (assigning onsite contacts):

    • The dropdown will only display members assigned to the location and company-wide members

  • Viewing, creating and editing roles:

    • Location-assigned users can view and duplicate company-wide roles or roles at their assigned locations

    • Location-assigned users can only create & edit roles for their assigned locations

  • Inviting members:

    • Refer to the section “How do I assign location access and locations when I invite new members?”

  • Editing members’ roles and location assignments:

    • Refer to the section “How do I assign location access and locations for existing members?”

  • Creating and editing locations:

    • Refer to the section “How do I assign multiple members to a location at once?”

Tip: For a detailed breakdown of permissions by role, check out the permissions chart below:

What happens if I remove a member from a location where they are listed as the “onsite contact” for an upcoming shift?

If a member is removed from a location where they are assigned as the onsite contact for an upcoming shift, you’ll be prompted to select a replacement supervisor who still has access to that location.

This process is similar to replacing an archived user.

Replacement Scenarios:

  • When assigning locations to a member:

    • You’ll be prompted to replace the member for each location where they are removed and have an upcoming shift.

  • When assigning members to a location:

    • You’ll be prompted to replace each removed member who have an upcoming shift at that location

For location-assigned users, are all pages filtered to only show assigned locations?

No, not all pages are filtered in the same way.

The displayed locations are indicated by the Global Location Filter in the top left corner of the page.

Views for the Global Location Filter:

  • “All Company Locations”:

    • Displays all company locations, regardless of the user’s assigned locations

  • “My Locations”:

    • Displays only the locations the user is assigned to

  • Global Location Filter Selector

    • Provides a dropdown menu to select regions and locations. By default, it shows the user’s assigned locations

    • Users can filter pages by selecting specific assigned locations from this dropdown, and this selection persists across all pages with the selector until updated

    • This is particularly useful for company-wide users who want to focus on specific locations

  • No filter is shown (Default):

    • By default only the user’s assigned locations are shown

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